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Oriental Masks

Oriental Masks
Photo by Jefferson Solayao, 2016

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Caught the second half of a replay of The Unborn, a Jewish horror movie about the dybbuk, on HBO. It still has all the elements of the 20th-century genre: dark scenes, nightmares, screaming, everyone dying but the protagonist, power outages, chases in which the chaser inexplicably appears in front of the chased's face, endangered children, possessed and therefore dangerous children, boyfriends appearing and performing rescues at the last minute by a mere cell phone call, locked front doors but conveniently unlocked back doors, and an ending that suggests that evil triumphs and continues.

The Jewish exorcism ritual was interesting. A Christian minister is present to perform a parallel exorcism and conveniently translate to the audience exactly what is going on. The Christian minister, hilariously, ends up being possessed himself and eventually killed, and I wonder if that is supposed to bear a message.

I think I watched the movie to the end for only two reasons: Gary Oldman, of whom I am a fan, and an exquisite, leather-bound, Hebrew book with lots of Hebrew letters and grim illustrations a la Grimm.

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